Cost-benefit of advertising on your transport vehicles

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 17, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Curtainside Graphics, Curtain Side Trailer Advertising, Advertising on Transport Vehicles

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The ways to spend money on mobile advertising are almost unlimited. For most companies however, the budget available is very limited. It pays to be selective and devote those funds to the most cost-effective media to generate the highest number of positive impressions per dollar. If you own a curtain side trailer, you already own almost 800 square feet of potential ad space that are being exposed to as many as 60,000 to 100,000 people every day as your truck rolls down the road. Printing the curtain on both sides of the trailer with your identifiable logo, company slogan and/or other eye-catching graphics is a great option to put your message on the road in a high-profile way, at low cost.

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