Silk-screen vs digitally printed graphics for a curtain side trailer

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 5, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Curtain Side Truck Graphics, Curtain Side Trailer Silk-screen Printing, Curtain Side Trailer Digital Printing, Curtain Side Trailer, Curtainsider Graphics, Curtainside Trailer

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One of the benefits of curtain side trailers is that the large retractable curtain can serve also as a mobile billboard to get your logo and company brand out to the public in numbers a stationary sign or other ad media can’t match. Eye-catching graphics and brief, concise informational or promotional text gets millions of views a year as your trucks travel the roads daily. Unlike a permanent painting on a standard solid-wall trailer, however, the curtain can be readily changed when it's time to update your look or change your message. Your design should be composed by a qualified graphic artist—today, there are even graphic design firms that specialize entirely in truck trailer advertising art—and then printed on the PVC-coated polyester curtain, followed by a clear-coat for UV protection so colors and images stay vivid through long miles on the road.

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3 Benefits of Curtain Side Trailer

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 3, 2015 9:30:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Curtainside Trailers, Benefits of Curtainside Trailers, Curtain Side Trailer, Curtainside Trailer

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For certain loads, no conventional semi-trailer beats the open access of a flatbed. However, the bad news about flatbeds can be expressed in two words: the tarp. Many flatbed loads require tarping for protection from the elements as well as security. Any driver who regularly manhandles tarps can tell you about heaving a 65 to 100-pound canvas cover over a load, adjusting its position, tucking in corners, and tying it all down neatly with straps and bungies. This painstaking, arduous process adds at least an hour to the driver’s schedule at every pick-up. In bad weather, it can be hazardous work as well.


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