Fuel Cards Versus Credit Cards: Which Is Best for Your Fleet?

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 9, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Fleet Fuel, Fuel Cards Versus Credit Cards, Managing Fleet Expenses

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Photo by Randy Heinitz


The cost of running a big rig for a year can be as high as $185,000. Fully 38 percent of that expenditure goes for fuel. Though fuel prices fluctuate, fuel still remains the largest daily expense a trucking company or independent owner-operator has to absorb to stay on the road. Certainly, every fleet manager’s aware of what drivers are paying for fuel in total. But, are they sure each individual fill-up is as low as it could be? Frequently, fleet managers aren’t aware of any less-expensive option. The driver paid the price on the pump. It is what it is.

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