Effective graphics for curtainside trucks & curtainside trailers

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 28, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Curtainside Trailer Graphics, Curtainside Truck Graphics, Curtainside Graphics

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For every hour your curtainside trucks or curtainside trailers spend on the road, estimates are that at least 4,500 people may be “impressed” — advertising jargon for every time someone notices and recalls the graphic displayed on your curtain. That’s over a million every month, an “impressive” example of outdoor advertising and promotion, indeed. But how do you make sure your curtainside graphics are making the most of that opportunity to grab attention and get your message across? Successful truck trailer advertising strategies tend to include certain common elements you can put to work when thinking about a curtainside trailer or truck. Here are a few guidelines for creating and exploiting curtainside graphics.


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