3 Reasons to Turn Your Flatbed into a Curtain Side Trailer

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Benefits of Curtainside Trailers, Curtainside Conversions, Curtain Side Trailer, Curtainside Trailer Conversions

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Are you passing up profit opportunities because the sole trailer you own and operate is a flatbed? At the time you purchased it, committing to a flatbed alone may have seemed like the most viable option to maximize available freight. Perhaps the reality of the market has changed or the nature of the loads—tarping requirements and other drawbacks—has made owning and operating a flatbed alone a less attractive strategy than it once was. On the other hand, the expense of adding a conventional van and paying upkeep, insurance and storage costs on two separate trailers doesn’t make good business sense, either—particularly considering that one of the two will always be sitting idle and unused.

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