Silk-screen vs digitally printed graphics for a curtain side trailer

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 5, 2016 9:00:00 AM / by Pete Johnson posted in Curtain Side Truck Graphics, Curtain Side Trailer Silk-screen Printing, Curtain Side Trailer Digital Printing, Curtain Side Trailer, Curtainsider Graphics, Curtainside Trailer

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One of the benefits of curtain side trailers is that the large retractable curtain can serve also as a mobile billboard to get your logo and company brand out to the public in numbers a stationary sign or other ad media can’t match. Eye-catching graphics and brief, concise informational or promotional text gets millions of views a year as your trucks travel the roads daily. Unlike a permanent painting on a standard solid-wall trailer, however, the curtain can be readily changed when it's time to update your look or change your message. Your design should be composed by a qualified graphic artist—today, there are even graphic design firms that specialize entirely in truck trailer advertising art—and then printed on the PVC-coated polyester curtain, followed by a clear-coat for UV protection so colors and images stay vivid through long miles on the road.

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